Earning a PHD
By Daring Diane
As she sat in
the headmaster’s office, Christina was relieved. Christina was completing her PHD in
education. As part of her research, she
proposed to observe a 6th grade class for a minimum of 8 weeks. The headmaster told her the proposal was fine
as long as Christina was not a disruption and as long as she worked within the
rules of the school.
Sarah Winters ran the Applegate
Academy for Young Women with
an iron fist.
Christina was
told that all students, teachers and administrators had to read and understand
all of the school rules, methodology and disciplinary procedures. Christina read and signed the documents.
She would be initially
observing a 6th grade class. Christina signed a form agreeing to follow the
schedule for the 6th grade students and classes she would be
observing. Depending on what Christina
learned, her proposal included an option to work with one of the other grades
as her research progressed.